Recovery Resource Center

About this Organization

For 30 years, the Recovery Resource Center has been a local, life-saving non-profit dedicated to addressing the recovery needs of those who struggle with addiction. This includes those who may have a problem with alcohol, other drugs, and other types of addictions as well as even those family & friends that have been affected by someone's substance abuse. Often, the journey towards recovery begins at an inpatient or outpatient facility. After completing clinical treatment, the recovering individual is looking to reintegrate into their community. We help with that reintegration. We provide a safe space for the recovering individual and their families to learn valuable life skills while building a fundamental network of support. With recovery services and educational workshops such as employment readiness, parenting classes, 12-step meetings, and various engaging activities, we are proud to stand at the center of the recovery community in Salisbury, Maryland. The RRC currently hosts over 30 recovery meetings weekly to include 12-Step including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Al-Anon Family. We also host other types of recovery meetings as we understand that everyone has a different path for their personal sobriety. We partner with the recovering community to host sober social activities as it many times a person's first time learning to celebrate holidays and other events without the use of alcohol and other drugs. We provide that safe space for people to learn to have fun in recovery. We are home to Wicomico County's SAFE STATION, providing crisis addictions intervention 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The SAFE STATION is run in partnership with the Wicomico County Health Department and is staffed by Wicomico County's Community Outreach Addictions Team. ​ We are forming new partnerships with local inpatient and outpatient facilities to better serve individuals in recovery. Clinicians at these facilities have identified the need for assistance during the reintegration phase, which is the longest phase of recovery, and we provide that assistance. We serve close to 50,000 community members every year so your donation will help to reduce the rates of addiction, overdose, recidivism, and crime. Since 1996, the RRC has been an Agency Partner with the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore. We also work closely with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.

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