Salisbury Urban Ministries

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Salisbury Urban Ministries' Outreach Programs include: God's Kitchen: A community outreach program hosted by Grace Methodist Church addresses the need for meals for the homeless and impoverished people. Fifty two organizations host lunch at Grace Methodist Church, 635 E. Church St., Salisbury on Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:30 pm. Kid's Café: This after-school and summer program provides a safe learning environment for children in the community in order to help them flourish academically, socially and civically. They enjoy activities and services that promote overall growth and development so that they may become productive, successful citizens. This outreach program is open to children living in the Church Street neighborhood who attend East Salisbury and Beaver Run Schools. The Kid's Café meets four days a week. Lazarus Food Pantry : The program seeks to provide food assistance to the economically deprived individuals and families residing in the tri-county area. Clients may receive food from the pantry once each calendar month. The program is open Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Community Food Pantries: Wicomico County residents living on the eastside of Wicomico County can enroll in one of the two pantries: Eden UM Church Pantry - 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:30-11AM and 5:30-6:30 PM, 7447 Main St, Willards, MD Pittsville UM Church Pantry - 4th Tuesday of the month, 9:30-11AM, 7516 Gumboro Rd, Pittsville, MD Men's Welcome Center: This is a combined effort of our Covenant Churches, Joshua House Ministries, and HealthPort. Volunteers distribute food bags, hygiene items, and undergarments to homeless men on the street and in campsites.

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