Berlin Fire Company

About this Organization

Berlin Fire Company, Inc provides fire and rescue services to the Berlin area of Worcester County bordering to the south at Newark, to the north at Showell, to the west to Wicomico County, and to the east to Holly Grove Rd and providing services to the South Point and Assateague Parks. We are a volunteer service for fire and rescue with some career staff support from Berlin Fire Company Emergency Medical Services as needed. We depend mostly on the Worcester County Commissioners and the Mayor and Council of Berlin to provide our funding. Our call volume is ever increasing with over 400 fire and rescue emergency calls per year. In addition, the volunteers are required to have minimum training certifications and most require annual refresher trainings. While volunteer, they must still work to earn a living for their family and have quality family time. Little time is left to do anything else. Therefore, we also depend on the public, foundations, and others to provide donations and grants to help balance the ever increasing costs of providing emergency fire and rescue services. Presently, we are replacing a 35 year old engine and 24 year old rescue truck at a cost of over $2.3 million dollars. Another $150,000 is needed to help update the equipment on these vehicles.

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