Beside Still Waters, Inc.

About this Organization

Currently, the BSW is a small organization that started up in 2022, but making a big impact on the DELMARVA Eastern Shore. The founder(s) of BSW is extremely passionate about the mission due to humble beginnings and first-hand experiences living in poverty on the DELMARVA Eastern Shore. BSW provides basic human needs that include sustaining and life-changing supplies and services (e.g. food, water, clothing, hygiene, assistance with energy and rent/mortgage bills) to poverty-stricken and vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. BSW inspires and supports by providing hope, encouragement, and resources when opportunities are limited to those in desperate need. Partners with schools and other organizations to help combat poverty and assist vulnerable individuals such as children, seniors, veterans, homeless, etc. BSW provides care packages and gifts through the adoption of children, individuals and families especially during the holidays. To date, BSW has provided 130 care packages and adopted 13 families (23 children and 15 adults); and assisted homeless families needing food, clothing, and other services. The BSW is passionate about its mission and determined to serve and help build stronger communities whenever there is a need and resources are available.

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