Delmarva Discovery Center & Museum

About this Organization

The Museum welcomes visitors of all ages to explore our 16,000 square feet of universally-accessible exhibits featuring the natural and cultural histories of Delmarva. It is our mission to allow all visitors to delve into the wonders of Delmarva and see how people and animals of the area have changed through time. We are many local students first field trip destination! It is our goal to ensure that our future generations learn about their own backyard and the importance the many animals and ecosystems play in providing for those of us who call Delmarva home. Our many field trip programs include Coral Reef Clues, Native Americans of Delmarva, Cold-Blooded Friends and our Sandsational Zone. Many of our local students may not have the opportunity to visit larger facilities across the Bay, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't enjoy interactive and educational programs where they get to meet and learn about our native creatures! One of our most popular exhibits is the River Otter Habitat where our two playful otters, Mac and Tuck, frolic in their 6,000 gallon aquarium and extensive land area. Other attractions include a walk-through replica steamboat, Native American exhibit, life-size beaver lodge, decoy shed, boat building display, and a variety of additional live animals. An adjacent nature trail offers excellent hiking and beaver and bird watching opportunities. Our Museum Store features local authors and artisans.

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