Stephen Long-Worcester High Pioneers

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The formation of the SL-WHP group, the brainchild of fifteen senior-citizen graduates from segregated schools on Maryland's Eastern Shore-Stephen Long Elementary in Pocomoke City and Worcester High in Newark, Maryland-reflects the profound gratitude we have for the educators at those segregated schools who insisted that we strive daily to become the best versions of ourselves. We believe that success in American society rarely stems from complaining about circumstances, but rather from hard work at attaining personal goals and commitment to building vibrant communities. The legacy of Stephen Handy Long, Worcester County's pioneering Black Superintendent of Colored Schools, serves as a poignant reminder. In 1921, Professor Long met a tragic end at the hands of a local White farmer because Long insisted that Black children of all social backgrounds should have equal access to education. To honor Stephen Long's memory, we have established this scholarship. Its purpose is to inspire and empower Black youth in Worcester County, encouraging them to seize control of their destinies and aspire to greater heights in education and life. With this scholarship, we seek to carry forward the legacy of a dedicated educator who paid the ultimate price for his belief in equality and access to education, fostering a brighter future for the community he served and loved.

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